School Policies and Procedures
Franklin School Rules
Treat people the way you want to be treated.
Include everyone.
Keep a safe body.
Keep trying.(Created by the Franklin School Students)
Blue Zone
Drop-off and Pickup Policy
The safety of our children is paramount. With many buses and cars arriving at the beginning and end of the school day, the blue zone has been established to protect all children entering or leaving the school. The shadow lane in front of Franklin School is a "Blue Zone" during drop-off and pickup times. Parking is not permitted in this area during the 30 minutes before school starts in the morning and the 60 minutes before and 30 minutes after school is dismissed in the afternoon. Cars that violate this regulation may be ticketed.Morning Drop Off
Parents stopping in the Blue Zone may not leave their cars. Parents wishing to leave their car must park elsewhere. Parking is available elsewhere for parents who would like to enter the building.Afternoon Pick Up
Prior to dismissal, no car may wait in the Blue Zone. Cars arriving prior to dismissal must park elsewhere. Parents who want to pick up children in front of the school must arrive after the children have been dismissed and are waiting out front. Children are not usually out front of the school until a few minutes after dismissal. Try to arrive about 5 minutes after school has been dismissed.After Dismissal
The Blue Zone may be used only to pick up children already waiting out front. Parents waiting for children who are not yet outside must park elsewhere or come back later. Parents may not wait in their car or leave their car while in the Blue Zone.Important Safety Tips
No U Turns in front of Franklin School.Do not double park in the Blue Zone.
Do not allow your child to pass between parked cars to enter or exit your car. Cars have been known to move while children are between them!
Give a copy of this policy to other drivers who drop-off or pickup your child.